What is the profit-sharing mechanism of the project?

WOL Games Economy | WOL Universe | MangoX

BattleCity.io does not use Staking but instead, Profit-Sharing mechanism. Profit-sharing for WOL Holders keeping at least 500.000 WOL Tokens for at least 45 (forty-five) consecutive days, which is the policy that shows respect and transparency to investors from our team. We implement a profit-sharing mechanism to attract big investors to accompany the project for a long time.

Our profit-sharing mechanism avoids an individual holding a large number of coins, pump or dump market manipulation, affecting individuals who are players or holding a small amount of WOL.

We don't want to hold investors' money and vaguely promise high-interest payments. Instead, the profit-share mechanism allows users to have full control of the amount of WOL they own (your money is in your wallet), you don't need to send that WOL to us or any other party 3rd party like Staking mechanism. In addition, we always have a clear report for this mechanism at the end of the summary that is displayed on the website and can be checked by anyone.

Last updated